is the Light and Life of a day. It was the time about half a century ago
that copper was only metal introduced in Electrical Industry. But as fast as the demand of Electricity increased, so fastly
the cost of copper rose high. This cauesd a great problem for electricity engineers to get rid of this increased scarecity
of raw material for electro-products and they fought battel to find their way out it by introducing the Aluminium as the best
substitute. This was really a great step towards the economic prosperity of the age.
All Aluminium
(AAAC) and ACSR Conductors have not only cut short the cost of production alone ,they have provided access to the small scale
industry unts towards their manufacture also. The ratio of weight of aluminium conductors to that of equivalent copper conductors
works outs as 0.4882: 1.00 which is the principal charactristic of switching over to aluminium conductors.
This website
is made likewise just to have a little introduction about our products to our esteemed customers, well-wishers and friends.